2023 Cyclical Planner
Mar’s Musing on the Cyclical Planner
I hope you’ve had a lovely festive time if you celebrate Christmas.
This week in Mar’s Musings I want to dive into this period between Christmas and New years.
For me, this is always an interesting time of the year (I guess like for many!!) where we come out of the busyness of year end, preparations for Christmas and then the calming down before yet another hype into the new year.
As we find ourselves in the winter season, it’s a Ying time according to Chinese medicine – an inward, quiet and reflective period…
I invite you to look at the cycle ahead, into 2023.
What is it that you want to give birth to in the new year? Or potentially you’re on track, so what is it you want to continue to evolve…?
Everyone functions a little differently, so I invite you to find the method that resonates best with you.
Some resonate with new year’s intentions, others with goals and some with journaling, drawing and different ways of expression.
Through the Cyclical Feminine Flow way of working and thanks to a participant, Lénaïk who completed the previous cycle of the Women’s Group Coaching Programme – we developed and put together a Cyclical way of planning the year ahead.
I’m using it and very excited to work with it into 2023.
Have a lovely time approaching the end of the year and, as you say in German, “Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!” – a good slide into the new year ️
Thanks for being part of my universe, your support means the world to me.
See you in 2023 for an exciting year ahead. I look forward to sharing all my new intentions and ideas with you
Love Mar Michelle